Getting Caller Consent example
- Last UpdatedOct 9, 2020
- 2 minute read
Getting Caller Consent example
About this task
The customer has a sales group and wants to use automatic call recording to record samples of the calls that members of the group answer. However, local laws require them to prompt callers as to whether recording of their call is okay and to have a record of the caller's response.
- In the IP Office system configuration, they have setup 2 sales groups. They have the same members and settings, but only one has the it's automatic call recording settings enabled.
In the Voicemail Pro configuration, they have created a module that requests
caller consent for recording.
- The menu action prompts the caller to press 1 if they are okay with call recording, 0 if not. It also has options for timeout and other responses.
- The two generic actions have the Consent Directive setting on their Reporting tab set to Consent Given and Consent Denied respectively.
- The 3 module return actions have been added for different possible caller responses.
- By doing this as a separate module, they can include it in call flows other that just sales. It also helps keep the view of those other call flows more simple.
Another module is created for incoming sales calls. In the IP Office system's
incoming call route for sales calls, the destination has been set as
- The recording consent module has been dragged into this call flow and its shown with a result link for each of its module return actions.
- The result for caller's who have agreed to call recording has been linked to an action that transfers the caller to the sales group that has automatic call recording enabled.
- The other results have been links to an action that transfers the caller to a sales group that does not have automatic call recording enabled.
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